Auckland Transport Blog 2011.
Those of us who live in Auckland, will know of the changes occurring in the public bus payment systems being marketed all over the city as "HOP".
BRANDSpanking 2011.
I have been very pleased to know of this new system since the news first got released. I think that is about time that Auckland bus services received an upgrade of some sort, as the public transport in the city is sometimes appalling. I travel by bus every day to university, and the delays that I have experienced with buses coming from the west side heading towards the city, thus making me late to lectures, is beginning to get on my nerves.
The HOP system proposes exactly what its name states, that one will be able to 'hop' on an off a bus, implying that the service is quicker when getting on to and off a bus, in terms of paying. Therefore the over all frequency and estimated bus timings will drastically improve avoiding delays and eventually more buses being circulated around Auckland for the convenience of travellers. This will be done by replacing the current system of 'Go Rider' cards which need to be inserted and deducted off according to stages travelled, with a card that you simply need to "tag" on by waiving your HOP card across a scanner at the front of the bus, and "tag" off when leaving the bus either from the front or rear exit.
Auckland Transport 2011.
This seems all very good, but will it promisingly cut down times for faster bus services in Auckland? The proposed system requires people to top up money on a card that will automatically deduct once tagged on and off a bus according to the number of stages travelled, but will tagging off when large numbers of people leave the bus not take some time? For example when the bus arrives on campus at university, where around 6-10+ students get off my bus during peak time. Surely this would create a hold up at the rear end of the bus, where as now one can simply run out of the bus. In this way I see a few flaws in the system. The top up system could possibly have been the same as the current card system where one tops up rides for a set amount of stages. This would enable to tag on quickly by scanning, and swiftly getting of the bus.
In saying this, the pros outweigh the cons with the HOP card system. credit topped up card can be used to purchase other items like coffees and the daily news paper, while the long term prospects of HOP aim to have the same scanning system on board Ferry and Train services, by the year 2012. This means that the same card can be used for multi-public transport services to pay for rides, making it easier and encouraging people to use public transport in Auckland. The integrated system will be much like that of Melbourne's transport system, where one can use the same ticket to travel anywhere in Melbourne by means of public services.
I am looking forward to the HOP card system. It is a big step UP for Auckland City!
Here is a fantastic video I found on Youtube that explains the way that HOP works, clearly and quickly! For all you readers living in Auckland, it is worth watching:
HOP Card: Tag On and Tag Off (YouTube 2011)